Monday, July 18, 2011

The European Basketball League next on TNT

Bryant could be one of many Superstars
to play Overseas during the Lockout
The new "Big 3" could potentially involve Kobe Bryant, Deron Williams and Kevin Durant or Dwight Howard but they wont be playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, or Miami Heat, instead they could all be playing for Turkey in the European basketball league.

Thanks to the NBA Lockout and the known fact that the Owners are prepared to forgo the entire season, star NBA players are beginning to make the transition overseas to find a source of income and another place to play. Deron Williams was the first star player to make the transition in early July, and many people questioned his decision. Now only weeks later the star of the league Kobe Bryant has said he would play overseas for $1 million per month, and star Center Dwight Howard may be right behind him. Other stars like Kevin Durant, and Amare Stoudemire are also considering going overseas. If the trend continues like Deron Williams expects, it could have a dangerous effect on the future of the NBA.

 The NBA Lockout is much more complex then the NFL Lockout, and will likely last much longer. NBA Owners are losing money and they have several demands in a new CBA that could significantly effect players salaries, and how much money they make during their careers. In a recent interview Deron Williams said that if the Owners get most of what they want most of the NBA players who are going to play in Europe temporarily, may turn it into a permanent stay. If that happens it could significantly hurt the NBA's popularity which has slowly declined in the past 10 years. A bad situation with the NBA Owners and players, could get even worse depending on how greedy the owners get in a new CBA.

 It is a very difficult situation the NBA is facing and one that jeopardizes the future of the league. While the European Basketball League continues to go and brings a place of freedom, and a monthly paycheck for players. All they need is a few more NBA Stars to come over and they could soon be broad casted more regularly in the United States. If that indeed happens die hard fans will ignore the European Basketball Logo and watch some of their favorite players play against some of the best international players in the country. Assuming this hall happens it would mean a dead business for the NBA, and the Owners that looked to have leverage when the lockout started, lose more then they had before. Stay tuned basketball fans because in a few months you could flip on TNT and see Real Madrid take on Regal Barca in a Wednesday night prime time game.


  1. Not that many stars could play overseas, because the owners of the European clubs don't have enough money to pay the NBA stars a high salary (in the range that they'd likely be looking for).

    Some of those teams also have limits on how many non-European roster spots they allow.

    So, I could see 3-4 teams having a few NBA stars, but that's about it. Partly because of the roster restrictions, but mainly because the teams in an European league can't afford to pay that many NBA players.

    Back to your idea though, it would be cool if 5-7 teams could get NBA stars.

  2. I think the main idea is these teams can offer NBA Stars
    Cold hard cash
    Wider media markets
    Short term play until Lockout is ended

    For those reasons I think more stars leave
