Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Farewell

For those of you that follow me on Twitter formerly @247SportsZone you learned of my announcement to close this blog 247 Sports Zone this past week. This decision wasn't an easy one, with over 100 articles it has been my showcase as I have grown up not only as a writer but as a person. The people I have met along the way, have been some of the greatest people I have ever had the chance to talk to. My greatest interviews with NFL Agent David Canter, Jets LB Ricky Sapp, UCLA DB Marcus Rios, and Dolphins DL Derrick Shelby. I have had so many wonderful people stop by and spend some time to read my articles, and for that I thank you. I want to make one thing clear, this is not me saying good bye. It is me moving on from one aspect of my life and going on to the next. I now write for several sites which I listed below and am truly appreciative for being given the opportunities. There are so many people that I could thank so I simply will just thank you all, because every single one of you, had a significant impact on my life. Without you guys I would not be the person I am today

You can now follow me ( @ThreefortheWin ) which is the name of the upcoming BlogTalkRadio show I will be co hosting with my great friends Trey Thomas and Adam Beddawi.

Below are the sites I write for as of now

A Royal Pain

The Pigskin Report

End Zone Report

For those of you that don't follow me on Twitter, I would love it if you could click the "Follow" button will talk sports with you or just chat 24/7.
If you don't use Twitter that's fine to. You can always email me at and the same rules apply
I realize this may be the end for some of you. So I just want to say one final thank you, and may you and your family be blessed for the rest of your lives, and only the best things happen.

It is with a tear as I type these final words, goodbye 247 Sports Zone, you will never be forgotten


  1. That was such in a sudden, hmm, alright, we're just going to follow you on the following sites. Thanks for sharing. :)
    Ashley | Olympics 2012 London

  2. yes it was sudden. It was a personal decision and with new opportunities and offers coming in for larger markets. I took a leap to these new sites. Thank You for your support

  3. Keep up the good work Matt. I have seen you grow as a writer and a young man while you were doing your 24/7 Sports Zone. I'm sure you will do just as well with your new gigs.
    All the Best,
    Nani (NY Yankees)
