Friday, July 1, 2011

Who is really to blame for this NFL Lockout

  We have reached Day 111 of the NFL Lockout and just when it seemed the NFLPA and the NFL Owners were getting close to working out a deal, one side flipped the switch and have now caused a detour in the negotiations that could delay the end of the Lockout even longer. All this time the issue has been revenue and the $9 Billion dollar jackpot both sides want to figure out, but one side is making it harder then the other, and they are also responsible for the delayed talks that we are now seeing. While this Lockout is because of faults on both parties the majority of the blame goes to, the Owners.

  This all started last year when we learned that the NFL Owners believed they deserved more of the revenue, and they were secretly taking more of the money from TV deals. The players were outraged and lines were drawn which created an even bigger difference between what both sides wanted. As the season went on without a Cap, we all awaited that fateful day when we would find out if we would avoid the lockout. The day came and there was an extension, which seemed like a sign a deal could get done after all, however in the end it wasn't, and then the first shot was fired. Immediately after the Lockout went into effect the NFL Owners and Roger Goodell released a statement telling us they submitted a very fair offer to the Players Union, but instead they refused to take it. The Owners struck first in a plan to put this on the players, but it ended up back firing.

 It only took a short while before the real details came out. The owners wanted to take over half the revenue, they wanted more money from TV deals and they wanted to pay the players less. In a battle of Billionaires versus Millionaires, the hard working die hard fans sided with the players. The Owners hurt their cause any more when they refused to open their books for the public and the players to see, a sign that there is something they aren't telling anyone. The Owners refused to give out this information, and they continued to alienate players, agents and most importantly the fans. In an interview with NFL player agent David Canter I asked him what effects will the lockout have and one of the things he said really got my attention "Veteran players have now been affected for 2 years based on the uncapped years rules, the 30% rule, and now no free agency." We also talked about the alienation of players, agents, and fans and how long that impact could last, even after the lockout.

 The Owners have had alot to do with this lockout, and I find it harder to side with a Billionaire then I do a Millionaire, even though they are both very wealthy. There is another name however who should receive more of the blame then some are giving him, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. Goodell the spokesman for the NFL and its Owners, has failed in establishing a strong relationship with DeMaurice Smith which could have significantly helped talks progress a little more. He has also made public statements siding with the Owners, trying to help shift the blame onto the Players side, and sending out letters to NFL Fans, making it appear as if he is on their side. Both he and Smith have caused a whirlwind of fire which created a more hostile situation then there needed to be. The lasting image I have of Goodell is during the NFL Draft when he was booed on that stage and heard chants of "We Want Football" he responded with "I want it too", but if he really wanted it, wouldn't we be closer to a deal by now.

 Before this article ends I will not let the NFL Players go without any blame. These guys are playing the dream millions of football fans all share, and they are making Millions doing it. The Owners are not the only side to ask for more money, the players are demanding it too. They want a percent fee for stadium events outside of football and they want a tax percentage on the added revenue. They are the players we see on the field, and we wear their jerseys, we don't wear the Owners shirt, but they are asking for to much. The NFLPA and Smith have made these discussions harder as well, so no side gets off Scott free for this Lockout

  If the blame for the NFL Lockout was a pie I would divide it like this 45% on the NFL owners 30% percent on the players and 25% on Roger Goodell and DeMaurice Smith. The one side who is not to blame for any of this, and deserves to see this Lockout ended immediately is the fans. The people who buy over-priced tickets to go to the games, the fans who buy a $10 beer which only takes $2 to make, the fans who go out and buy that jersey for their favorite player, and turn on the TV every Sunday so they can watch the sport they love, football. If the NFL Owners, Roger Goodell and the NFL Players really want the fans to be happy again they will swallow their pride, go into a room, lock the door and not leave until a deal is done, a deal that EVERYONE can be happy with, that way we won't have to deal with this again for a few more decades.

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